Here’s a cheat sheet for working with SSH (Secure Shell), a protocol for secure remote access to servers:
Connecting to a Remote Server
ssh [username]@[hostname or IP address] -p [port]
Example: ssh [email protected] -p 22
Key-based Authentication
Generate SSH Key Pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
Copy Public Key to Server:
ssh-copy-id [username]@[hostname or IP address] -p [port]
Example: ssh-copy-id [email protected] -p 22
SSH Config File
Sample Config:
Host myserver
Port 22
User user
Connect Using Config:
ssh myserver
File Transfer with SCP
Copy Local to Remote:
scp [local_file] [username]@[hostname or IP address]:[remote_directory]
Example: scp local.txt [email protected]:/home/user/
Copy Remote to Local:
scp [username]@[hostname or IP address]:[remote_file] [local_directory]
Example: scp [email protected]:/home/user/remote.txt .
Tunneling (Port Forwarding)
Local Port Forwarding:
ssh -L [local_port]:[destination_host]:[destination_port] [username]@[ssh_server]
Example: ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 user@ssh-server
Dynamic Port Forwarding (SOCKS Proxy):
ssh -D [local_port] [username]@[ssh_server]
Example: ssh -D 1080 user@ssh-server
SSH Agent
Start SSH Agent:
eval $(ssh-agent)
Add SSH Key to Agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Terminate Remote Process (Ctrl+C equivalent):
- Press
and then.
SSH Version:
ssh -V
Check Server Fingerprint:
ssh-keyscan -p [port] [hostname or IP address]
This cheat sheet covers some common SSH commands and configurations. For more details and options, refer to the OpenSSH documentation.