sed Cheat Sheet

sed (stream editor) is a powerful text stream editor that is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream. Below is a cheat sheet with commonly used sed commands and syntax:

Basic Syntax


Common Commands

Print Lines:

sed -n 'p' filename

Substitute (Search and Replace):

sed 's/old_text/new_text/g' filename

Delete Lines:

sed '/pattern/d' filename

Print Specific Line:

sed -n '5p' filename

Print Range of Lines:

sed -n '2,5p' filename


Global Replace (All Occurrences):

sed 's/old_text/new_text/g' filename

Case Insensitive Replace:

sed 's/old_text/new_text/gI' filename

Insert and Append

Insert Text Before a Line:

sed '/pattern/i new_text' filename

Append Text After a Line:

sed '/pattern/a new_text' filename

Delete Empty Lines

sed '/^$/d' filename

Print Line Numbers:

sed -n '1,10p' filename

Print Last N Lines:

sed -n '$-N,$p' filename

Basic Regular Expressions

Match Lines Starting with a Pattern:

sed -n '/^pattern/p' filename

Match Lines Ending with a Pattern:

sed -n '/pattern$/p' filename

Reading Commands from a File

sed -f scriptfile filename

In-Place Editing

Edit File In-Place:

sed -i 's/old_text/new_text/g' filename

Printing Lines Around a Match

Print N Lines Before a Match:

sed -n '/pattern/{N;p}' filename

Print N Lines After a Match:

sed -n '/pattern/{N;N;p}' filename

Append Line Numbers to Each Line

sed = filename | sed 'N;s/\n/ /'

Special Characters in Replacement String

Insert Tab Character:

sed 's/old_text/\tnew_text/g' filename

Insert Newline Character:

sed 's/old_text/new_text\
/g' filename


  • sed commands can vary slightly based on the version of sed and the operating system.
  • The examples provided assume usage on Unix/Linux systems.
  • Always refer to the sed documentation or man pages for comprehensive information.

This cheat sheet covers some commonly used sed commands. Adjustments may be necessary based on specific use cases and requirements.