Safari Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet for Safari, the web browser developed by Apple. This cheat sheet includes some common keyboard shortcuts and useful tips:

General Navigation

  • Open a new window: Command (⌘) + N
  • Open a new tab: Command (⌘) + T
  • Close current tab: Command (⌘) + W
  • Reopen closed tab: Command (⌘) + Z
  • Open a new Private Window: Command (⌘) + Shift + N
  • Cycle through open tabs: Command (⌘) + Option + Right/Left arrow key
  • Move to the next/previous tab: Control + Tab / Control + Shift + Tab

Page Navigation

  • Reload the current page: Command (⌘) + R
  • Reload the current page without cache: Command (⌘) + Shift + R
  • Stop loading the page: Command (⌘) + .
  • Go to the next page in your history: Swipe two fingers to the left on your trackpad or swipe from the left edge of the screen on a Magic Mouse.

Address Bar

  • Open the address bar: Command (⌘) + L
  • Add www. and .com to a website name, then load it: Command (⌘) + Return


  • Show or hide the bookmarks bar: View > Show Bookmarks Bar
  • Add the current page to bookmarks: Command (⌘) + D
  • Open the bookmarks sidebar: Command (⌘) + Option + B


  • Open History: Command (⌘) + Y
  • Show history for the current tab: Control + Y

Zoom In/Out

  • Zoom in: Command (⌘) + Plus (+)
  • Zoom out: Command (⌘) + Minus (-)
  • Reset zoom level: Command (⌘) + 0


  • Open Safari preferences: Command (⌘) + ,
  • Toggle Reader mode: Command (⌘) + Shift + R
  • Open Downloads: Command (⌘) + Option + L

These shortcuts should help you navigate Safari more efficiently. Keep in mind that some functionalities may change with updates, so it’s a good idea to check the latest Safari documentation for any new features or changes.