NvChad Cheat Sheet

NvChad is a highly customizable Neovim configuration that comes with a variety of plugins and features. Here’s a cheat sheet with some common tasks related to NvChad:


Clone the NvChad Repository:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad ~/.config/nvim

Install Packer (Plugin Manager):

git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim

Basic Keybindings

Open/Close Nvim Configuration:


Open/Close File Explorer:


Toggle Terminal:


Plugin Management

Update Plugins:


Install New Plugins:


Clean Unused Plugins:


LSP (Language Server Protocol)

Hover Documentation:


Go to Definition:


Rename Symbol:


Fuzzy Finder (Telescope)

Find Files:


Live Grep:


Find Buffers:


Git Integration

Git Status:


Git Blame:


Other Useful Commands

Toggle Line Numbers:


Toggle Spell Check:


Toggle Zen Mode:



Reload NvChad Configuration:


Open NvChad Help Documentation:


Terminal Commands

Open Terminal:


Switch between Terminals:

<Space>1, <Space>2, ... <Space>9


Edit NvChad Configuration:


This opens the init.lua file for editing.

Custom Keybindings: You can customize keybindings in the keybindings.lua file.

These commands should help you get started with NvChad. Remember to review the official NvChad documentation for more details and customization options.