Here’s a NoSQL cheat sheet that covers some common concepts and commands for working with NoSQL databases:
NoSQL Basics
NoSQL (Not Only SQL) databases are non-relational databases designed for flexibility and scalability.
Data Model Types
Document-oriented: Stores data in semi-structured documents (e.g., MongoDB).
Key-Value: Stores data as key-value pairs (e.g., Redis).
Column-family: Stores data in columns rather than rows (e.g., Apache Cassandra).
Graph: Stores data as nodes and edges (e.g., Neo4j).
MongoDB (Document-Oriented)
Connecting to MongoDB
Basic Commands
Show Databases:
show dbs
Use a Database:
use <database_name>
Show Collections:
show collections
CRUD Operations
Insert Document:
db.<collection_name>.insert({ key: value })
Find Documents:
db.<collection_name>.find({ key: value })
Update Document:
db.<collection_name>.update({ key: value }, { $set: { new_key: new_value } })
Delete Document:
db.<collection_name>.remove({ key: value })
Here is a dedicated MongoDB Cheat Sheet.
Redis (Key-Value)
Connecting to Redis
Basic Commands
Set Key-Value:
SET key value
Get Value by Key:
GET key
List All Keys:
Here is a dedicated Redis Cheat Wheet.
Apache Cassandra (Column-Family)
Connecting to Cassandra
- Use
to connect to Cassandra.
Basic Commands
Create Keyspace:
CREATE KEYSPACE <keyspace_name> WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};
Create Table:
CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<column1> <datatype1>, <column2> <datatype2>, PRIMARY KEY (<primary_key_column>));
Insert Data:
INSERT INTO <table_name> (<column1>, <column2>) VALUES (<value1>, <value2>);
Query Data:
SELECT * FROM <table_name> WHERE <condition>;
Neo4j (Graph)
Connecting to Neo4j
- Access Neo4j through the web interface.
Basic Commands
Create Node:
CREATE (:Label {key: value})
Create Relationship:
MATCH (a:Label1), (b:Label2) WHERE a.key = value1 AND b.key = value2 CREATE (a)-[:RELATIONSHIP]->(b)
Query Nodes and Relationships:
MATCH (a:Label1)-[r]->(b:Label2) WHERE a.key = value1 RETURN a, r, b
This NoSQL cheat sheet provides a basic overview of common commands for MongoDB, Redis, Apache Cassandra, and Neo4j. Note that specific commands may vary based on the database version and configuration. Always refer to the official documentation for detailed information.