Here’s a Linux cheat sheet:
File System Navigation
Change Directory:
cd directory_path
List Files:
List All Files (Including Hidden):
ls -a
Present Working Directory:
File and Directory Operations
Create Directory:
mkdir directory_name
Create Empty File:
touch filename
Copy File/Directory:
cp source destination
Move/Rename File or Directory:
mv old_name new_name
Remove/Delete File:
rm filename
Remove/Delete Directory:
rm -r directory_name
File Viewing and Editing
View File Content:
cat filename
View File with Pagination:
less filename
Edit File using Nano:
nano filename
Change File Permissions:
chmod permissions filename
Here is a dedicated File Permissions Cheat Sheet.
Change Ownership of a File:
chown user:group filename
Process Management
List Running Processes:
Kill a Process by PID:
kill PID
Kill a Process by Name:
pkill process_name
System Information
Display System Information:
uname -a
Display Free and Used Memory:
free -h
Display Disk Usage:
df -h
Show Network Interfaces:
Display Network Statistics:
netstat -a
Check Internet Connectivity:
Package Management
Update Package Lists:
sudo apt update
Upgrade Installed Packages:
sudo apt upgrade
Install a Package:
sudo apt install package_name
File Compression/Archiving
Create a Tar Archive:
tar -cvf archive.tar files_to_archive
Extract Tar Archive:
tar -xvf archive.tar
Here is a dedicated tar Cheat Sheet.
User Management
Add User:
sudo adduser username
Change User Password:
sudo passwd username
Switch User:
su - username
Search for Files:
find /path/to/search -name filename
View System Logs:
tail -f /var/log/syslog
This Linux cheat sheet covers basic commands for file system navigation, file and directory operations, file viewing and editing, permissions, process management, system information, networking, package management, file compression/archiving, user management, and miscellaneous commands. Adjust as needed based on your specific Linux distribution and requirements.