GNU Screen Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet for commonly used commands in GNU Screen, a terminal multiplexer:

Basic Screen Commands

Start a New Session:


Start a Named Session:

screen -S session_name

Detach from Screen Session:

Ctrl + A, D

List Running Screen Sessions:

screen -ls

Reattach to a Session:

screen -r session_id

Window Management

Create a New Window:

Ctrl + A, C

Switch to Next Window:

Ctrl + A, N

Switch to Previous Window:

Ctrl + A, P

Switch to a Specific Window:

Ctrl + A, 0-9

List Windows:

Ctrl + A, "

Splitting Screens

Split Horizontally:

Ctrl + A, S

Split Vertically:

Ctrl + A, |

Switch Between Regions:

Ctrl + A, Tab

Remove Current Region:

Ctrl + A, X

Copy and Paste

Enter Copy Mode:

Ctrl + A, [

Exit Copy Mode:


Paste Clipboard:

Ctrl + A, ]


Lock Screen:

Ctrl + A, X

Zoom into Current Region:

Ctrl + A, Z

Display Command Line:

Ctrl + A, :

Quit a Window/Session:

Ctrl + A, K

Help Menu:

Ctrl + A, ?

This cheat sheet covers basic and commonly used GNU Screen commands. Adjust the parameters according to your specific use case and explore the Screen manual (man screen) for more details and advanced options.