GitLab Cheat Sheet

Here’s a GitLab cheat sheet to help you with common GitLab commands and operations:

Basic GitLab Workflow

Clone a Repository:

git clone <repository_url>

Add Changes:

git add .

Commit Changes:

git commit -m "Your commit message"

Push Changes:

git push origin <branch_name>


Create a New Branch:

git checkout -b <new_branch_name>

Switch to a Branch:

git checkout <branch_name>

Merge Branch:

git checkout <target_branch>
git merge <source_branch>

Pull Requests

Open a Pull Request:

  • Create a new branch with changes and push it.
  • Go to the GitLab repository.
  • Click on “Merge Requests” and then “New Merge Request.”
  • Select the source and target branches.

Fetching and Pulling

Fetch Changes:

git fetch origin

Pull Changes:

git pull origin <branch_name>

Repository Information

Show Remote URLs:

git remote -v

Show Branches:

git branch -a


List Tags:

git tag -l

Create a Tag:

git tag -a <tag_name> -m "Tag message"

Undoing Changes

Discard Uncommitted Changes:

git restore .

Undo the Last Commit:

git reset --soft HEAD^

GitLab CI/CD

View CI/CD Pipelines:

  • Go to your project in GitLab.
  • Click on “CI/CD” > “Pipelines.”

View Jobs in a Pipeline:

  • Click on a specific pipeline.

GitLab Pages

Set Up GitLab Pages:

  • Go to your project in GitLab.
  • Click on “Settings” > “Pages” to configure.

GitLab Issues

Create an Issue:

  • Go to your project in GitLab.
  • Click on “Issues” > “New Issue.”

Reference an Issue in a Commit:

git commit -m "Fixes #issue_number"

This cheat sheet covers some common Git and GitLab commands. Customize it based on your specific project and workflow requirements.