AppleScript Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet for AppleScript, a scripting language developed by Apple for automating tasks on macOS:


-- This is a comment


set variableName to "Hello, World!"

Display Dialog:

display dialog "Hello, World!" buttons {"OK"}

User Input:

set userInput to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your name:" default answer "")

Conditional Statements:

if condition then
    -- Code to execute if condition is true
    -- Code to execute if condition is false
end if

Repeat Loop:

repeat 5 times
    -- Code to repeat 5 times
end repeat

Handling Lists:

set myList to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
set itemAtIndex to item 3 of myList

AppleScript Handlers:

on sayHello()
    display dialog "Hello from the handler!"
end sayHello


Working with Files:

set filePath to choose file "Select a file:"
set fileContent to read filePath as «class utf8»

System Events:

tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "Hello, World!"
end tell

Finder Operations:

tell application "Finder"
    set desktopFolder to desktop
    set filesList to every file of desktopFolder
end tell

Scripting Applications:

tell application "TextEdit"
    make new document
    set text of document 1 to "Hello, World!"
end tell

Error Handling:

    -- Code that might generate an error
on error errorMessage
    display dialog "An error occurred: " & errorMessage
end try

Display Notification:

display notification "Task completed" with title "Notification"

Running Shell Commands:

do shell script "echo 'Hello, World!'"

Quit Application:

tell application "TextEdit" to quit

Getting System Information:

set systemVersion to system version of (system info)

Setting System Volume:

set volume 50


delay 5 -- Sleeps for 5 seconds

Opening URLs:

open location ""

This is a basic cheat sheet for AppleScript. For more detailed information and advanced scripting, refer to the official AppleScript documentation.