Visual Studio Code Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) can help you navigate and use its features more efficiently. Here’s a basic cheat sheet covering some essential commands and concepts:

VSCode Cheat Sheet

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Command Palette:
    • Open Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • File Operations:
    • Open File: Ctrl + O
    • Save File: Ctrl + S
    • Save As: Ctrl + Shift + S
  • Editing:
    • Undo: Ctrl + Z
    • Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z
    • Cut: Ctrl + X
    • Copy: Ctrl + C
    • Paste: Ctrl + V
  • Search and Replace:
    • Find: Ctrl + F
    • Replace: Ctrl + H
  • Navigation:
    • Go to Line: Ctrl + G
    • Go to Symbol: Ctrl + Shift + O
    • Go to Definition: F12

View and Layout

  • Toggle Sidebar:
    • Toggle Explorer: Ctrl + B
    • Toggle Activity Bar: Ctrl + Shift + E
  • Toggle Terminal:
    • Show/Hide Integrated Terminal: Ctrl +
    • Split Terminal: Ctrl + \
  • Toggle Full Screen:
    • Toggle Full Screen: F11

Code Editing

  • Indentation:
    • Indent: Tab
    • Unindent: Shift + Tab
  • Comment/Uncomment:
    • Comment Line: Ctrl + /
    • Uncomment Line: Ctrl + Shift + /
  • Multicursor Editing:
    • Add Cursor Above/Below: Ctrl + Alt + ↑/↓


  • Install Extension:
    • Open Extensions: Ctrl + Shift + X
  • Command Line:
    • Open Integrated Terminal: Ctrl +

Git Integration

  • Source Control:
    • Open Source Control: Ctrl + Shift + G
  • Git Actions:
    • Stage Changes: Ctrl + Enter
    • Commit Changes: Ctrl + Enter


  • Toggle Breakpoint:
    • Toggle Breakpoint: F9
  • Start Debugging:
    • Start Debugging: F5


  • User Settings:
    • Open User Settings: Ctrl + ,
  • Keybindings:
    • Open Keyboard Shortcuts: Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S

Other Useful Tips

  • Zen Mode:
    • Enter/Exit Zen Mode: Ctrl + K, Z
  • Show Command History:
    • Show Command History: Ctrl + Shift + P then type > Show History
  • Emmet Abbreviations:
    • Use Emmet abbreviations for faster HTML/CSS coding.
  • Markdown Preview:
    • Open Markdown Preview: Ctrl + Shift + V

This cheat sheet covers some of the essential commands in Visual Studio Code. It’s recommended to explore additional features and extensions to enhance your coding experience in VSCode. Feel free to customize your keybindings and settings based on your preferences.