JIRA JQL Cheat Sheet

JIRA Query Language (JQL) is used in Atlassian JIRA to perform complex queries and filter issues based on various criteria. Below is a concise JIRA JQL cheat sheet covering common operations and syntax:

Basic Queries

Search by Project:

project = "Project Name"

Search by Issue Type:

issuetype = "Bug"

Search by Status:

status = "In Progress"

Search by Assignee:

assignee = username

Search by Reporter:

reporter = username

Combining Conditions

AND Operator:

project = "Project Name" AND status = "In Progress"

OR Operator:

priority = High OR priority = Critical

NOT Operator:

status != "Closed"

Date Queries

Search by Date:

created > "2022-01-01"

Date Range:

updated >= "2022-01-01" AND updated <= "2022-12-31"

Order and Limit Results

Order by Field:

project = "Project Name" ORDER BY created DESC

Limit Results:

project = "Project Name" ORDER BY created DESC MAXRESULTS 10

Work Log Queries

Search by Work Log:

worklogAuthor = username AND worklogDate >= "2022-01-01"


Search by Text:

text ~ "search term"

Search by Epic:

"Epic Link" = ABC-123

Search by Issue Key:

key = ABC-123

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for common JIRA JQL queries. Keep in mind that JIRA JQL is a powerful language, and you may need to refer to the official JIRA documentation for more advanced queries and specific field references.