AWS Lambda Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet for AWS Lambda:

AWS Lambda Basics

  • AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that runs code in response to events.
  • It automatically scales, and you only pay for the compute time consumed.

Lambda Functions

  • A Lambda function is the unit of execution.
  • Supports multiple languages: Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby, .NET Core, etc.

Lambda Triggers

  • Events that invoke Lambda functions.
  • Examples: S3 events, API Gateway, CloudWatch Events, etc.

Lambda Execution Role

  • Lambda functions assume an execution role to access other AWS services.
  • Roles define permissions and policies.

Handler Function

  • Entry point for Lambda function execution.
  • Defined in the format: filename.handler.

Environment Variables

  • Store configuration values for Lambda functions.
  • Accessed using process.env in Node.js or os.environ in Python.

Cold Starts

  • The first time a Lambda function is invoked or after a long idle period.
  • Can impact response time.

Lambda Layers

  • Share code and dependencies between functions.
  • Reduce the size of deployment packages.


  • Use console.log() to log output.
  • View logs in AWS CloudWatch Logs.


  • Set the maximum execution time for a Lambda function (up to 15 minutes).

Memory Allocation

  • Allocate memory to Lambda functions.
  • Affects CPU and network performance.


  • Runs code in response to CloudFront events.
  • Used for content delivery and global deployments.

Lambda CLI Commands

Create a new Lambda function:

aws lambda create-function --function-name MyFunction --runtime nodejs14.x --handler index.handler --role arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/execution_role --zip-file fileb://

Invoke a Lambda function:

aws lambda invoke --function-name MyFunction --payload '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' output.txt

List Lambda functions:

aws lambda list-functions

Update Lambda function code:

aws lambda update-function-code --function-name MyFunction --zip-file fileb://

Set environment variables:

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name MyFunction --environment Variables={Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2}

Remember to replace placeholders like MyFunction, index.handler, account-id, and with your specific values.

This cheat sheet covers Lambda concepts and commands. For more detailed information, refer to the AWS Lambda Documentation.