Here’s a cheat sheet for Windows 11 covering some common tasks and features:
Start Menu
Open Start Menu:
- Click on the Windows icon or press
Move Taskbar:
- Right-click on an empty space on the taskbar, go to “Taskbar settings,” and toggle “Lock the taskbar.”
Virtual Desktops
Create Virtual Desktop:
Win + Tab
, then click on “New desktop.”
Snap Windows
Snap Window to Left/Right:
Win + Left/Right arrow key
File Explorer
Open File Explorer:
Win + E
Open Search:
Win + S
Open Settings:
Win + I
Action Center
Open Action Center:
Win + A
Task View
Open Task View:
Win + Tab
Snipping Tool
Open Snipping Tool:
Win + Shift + S
Window Management
Minimize/Maximize Window:
Win + Down/Up arrow key
Access Clipboard History:
Win + V
System Tray
Customize System Tray Icons:
- Right-click on the taskbar, go to “Taskbar settings,” and click on “Select which icons appear on the taskbar.”
Open Cortana:
Win + C
Keyboard Shortcuts
Show All Keyboard Shortcuts:
Win + /
Window Snap Assist
Enable/Disable Snap Assist:
Win + D
(Toggle between desktop and open windows).
Night Light
Toggle Night Light:
Win + A
, then click on “Night light.”
Power Menu
Open Power Menu:
Win + X
Task Manager
Open Task Manager:
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Lock Screen
Lock Computer:
Win + L
This cheat sheet provides some basic shortcuts and features for Windows 11.