Inkscape Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet for some common Inkscape commands and shortcuts:

Basic Navigation

  • Zoom In: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up
  • Zoom Out: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down
  • Pan View: Spacebar + Left Mouse Button Drag

Selection and Transformation

  • Select Object: Left Click
  • Move Object: Drag with Left Mouse Button
  • Resize Object: Shift + Drag Corner Handle
  • Rotate Object: Ctrl + Drag Corner Handle

Drawing Shapes

  • Rectangle: Rectangles & Squares Tool (F4)
  • Ellipse: Circles & Ellipses Tool (F5)
  • Line: Draw Bezier Curves and Straight Lines Tool (Shift + F6)
  • Freehand Drawing: Pencil Tool (F6)
  • Text: Text Tool (F8)

Path Operations

  • Union (Combine Paths): Ctrl + +
  • Difference (Subtract Paths): Ctrl + -
  • Intersection (Keep Overlapping Area): Ctrl + *
  • Exclusion (Exclude Overlapping Area): Ctrl + \

Color and Fill

  • Fill Color: Shift + Ctrl + F
  • Stroke Color: Shift + Ctrl + C
  • Remove Fill: Shift + Ctrl + X


  • Raise to Top: Home
  • Lower to Bottom: End
  • Raise One Level: Page Up
  • Lower One Level: Page Down

Text Editing

  • Edit Text: Select Text + F2
  • Bold: Ctrl + B
  • Italic: Ctrl + I
  • Underline: Ctrl + U

Alignment and Distribution

  • Align Left: Shift + Ctrl + L
  • Align Center: Shift + Ctrl + C
  • Align Right: Shift + Ctrl + R
  • Distribute Horizontally: Shift + Ctrl + H
  • Distribute Vertically: Shift + Ctrl + V

Grouping and Ungrouping

  • Group Objects: Ctrl + G
  • Ungroup Objects: Ctrl + Shift + G

Saving and Exporting

  • Save: Ctrl + S
  • Save As: Shift + Ctrl + S
  • Export PNG: Shift + Ctrl + E


  • Duplicate Object: Ctrl + D
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Shift + Ctrl + Z
  • Toggle Snap to Grid: #

This cheat sheet covers some basic and commonly used commands in Inkscape. Feel free to explore more features and functionalities in the Inkscape documentation for a comprehensive understanding of the tool.